Visit report – 30 and 31 March 2019. – Moglia – Italy – 1st International Carnival

Visit report – 30 and 31 March 2019. – Moglia – Italy – 1st International Carnival

The municipality of Moglia is located in the northwestern Italy, the Lombardy region, in the province of Mantova and has only slightly over five thousand seven hundred inhabitants.

30 and 31 March 2019. we were at the first carnival in Moglia, organized by our friends Gruppo Morgana from Mirandola. Gruppo Morgana is already several years a member of the Federation of European Carnival Cities. Although it was the beginning of the carnival events came many carnival friends from Venice, Padua, Verona, Lugagnano, Mirandola, Visago, Rijeka – Croatia, and others came to support them. Parade was painted with the most beautiful carnival colors. At the beginning of the parade were the mayor of Moglia Simona Maretti, I as Vice President of the FECC, and Vice President of all Verona carnivals Antonio Sofiati. After them followed children’s carnival groups as well as many of children that performed as individual masks. The day was beautiful, sunny. Moglia was filled with a good mood, fantastic carnival costumes and happy kid games at Square Liberta. It was a wonderful fun for kids and adults.

All carnival groups and many volunteers, including a large number of retired police officers who were responsible for security, worked hard for the success of the event.

Events at the first Carnival in Moglia announced many electronic and print media. A number of great photos and a very positive critique were also published by the central national diary.

Massimo Beltrami president and Stefania Manfredini vice-president of Gruppo Morgana made the greatest effort in organizing the first carnival in Moglia and deserved big FECC medals.

Thank you dear friends for warm hospitality. See you next year!

                                                                                                           Josip Silov,

                                                                                              International Vice-president